Are leafy greens and herbs grown hydroponically as flavorful and nutritious as those grown in soil? The short answer is yes! We give them everything they need — light, moisture, minerals — to ensure they give you everything you need and expect from some of nature's healthiest foods. Better yet, with quicker turnaround time and year-round harvest, they're always picked at their peak at our North East greenhouse, just a short drive away from Erie, PA. So not only will they taste their best, they'll be delivering on all of their nutritional promises.
Butterhead lettuce
Oakleaf lettuce
Vision, immune system, reproductive health
Healthy skin, blood vessels, bone, and cartilage
Blood clotting, wound healing
Muscle and nerve function; cell metabolism
Digestive health
Fresh herbs are no slouches either; in fact, they're packed with antioxidants, anti-inflammatories, vitamins, and other compounds to help you be your healthiest self. Not to mention they make a whole lot of things taste a whole lot better, too.
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